What Can We Do For You

Simple and Effective Erosion Control
Rip rap work on fresh and salt water. Rip rap is a great way to prevent erosion while preserving the natural environment.
Installation and Maintenance
We are able to install and maintain your boat lift. A boat lift is a must when the public boat launches get busy. If you dream of walking out to you dock, getting in your boat, and going fishing then get a quote on instalation today. ​

Vehicle and Pedestrian
We are able to take you from start to finish on bridges of any size. We have done private and community bridges for both pedestrian and vehicle use. We are also able to design unique and custom features to your bridge.
Bulkheads and Retaining Walls
We understand the importance of picking the right company that’s experienced, dependable and affordable. We anchor our seawalls underground to ensure long-term stability and erosion control. A seawall is an important feature to consider for your property if you want to maintain the amount of property you own.
Customized for You
Your dock, sea wall, and boat lift are major investments. Eastman Marine can help you insure they'll last for years to come.